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What Does it Mean to Set Your Mind to Something and Does it Actually Work?

Poets, philosophers, politicians, and priests have all been trying to tell you the same thing. So have authors, songwriters, therapists, life coaches, and the people who make those inspirational quotes on distressed wood that you see in stores and the ones you see with pretty backgrounds online. If you “set your mind” to it…you can […]

5 Herbs and Spices that Reduce Chronic Inflammation

It’s not an accident that the acronym for the Standard American Diet spells S.A.D. There are many “sad” elements of modern western diets: too much sugar, not enough vegetables, too much-processed food, not enough whole foods, too many bad fats, not enough good fats… you’ve heard it all before. But there is one particular “sad” […]

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Naturopathic Doctor

We sat down with our own Dr. Joshua Levitt, N.D., and asked him what kind of questions his patients often ask him. Dr. Levitt’s unique approach is backed by an education that includes a degree in physiology from UCLA, a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the prestigious Bastyr University, formal residency training in integrative medicine […]

Elevate Your Mood, Boost Immunity and More by Getting Creative

If you’ve been feeling down, off, or out of sorts lately, it might be a good idea to take stock of your creative pursuits and hobbies. Are you taking the time to do what you love? Or are you so wrapped up in your job that you begin to forget that there’s more to life […]

Ladies, Try These 4 Easy Exercises to End Arm Jello for Good

Even though winter seems like it will never end, it is time to start preparing for summer and all of the warm-season clothing that comes along with it. Spagthhei sleeve tops, bathing suits, and strapless dresses that show off your arms and reveal your winter jello to the world. Instead of hiding in T-shirts, take […]

5 Great Reasons to Hug More: Science Says it Really Good for You

Are you a hugger? If not, it’s time to think about becoming one. Besides spreading great joy, hugging also has tremendous physical and mental health benefits. While not everyone feels super comfortable with close physical touch, hugs can elevate your mental and physical health. Here are some of the proven scientific benefits of hugging that […]

Do Any of these Sleep Stealers Sound Familiar?

Is a good night’s sleep hit and miss for you? If so, you are not alone. According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine, one in four people develops insomnia each year. Many people who feel tired during the day still struggle to drift into deep and restorative slumber despite their feelings […]

7 Tiny Tweaks You Can Make for a Huge Impact in 2020

You don’t have to call them resolutions or even habits, just call them tiny tweaks. Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves with massive lists of things we want to do differently. The “go big or go home” principal is not always the best thing and often sets us up for defeat. Sadly defeat doesn’t help to breed […]

5 Amazing Benefits of Manuka Honey and Why You Need More of It

Honey is called liquid gold for a reason. However, rare, expensive manuka honey is another step up, prized for its health benefits that are supposedly even more potent than those of traditional honey. It is created by bees that feed on the manuka bush in New Zealand, making it a type of specialty honey that […]

5 Things That May Cause Constipation and How to be More Regular

Do you struggle in the bathroom? Do you experience digestive upset frequently and have trouble passing regular bowel movements? If so, you may be constipated. Many people simply ignore and write off constipation, chalking it up to a heavy meal or just a disrupted routine. Most of the time, constipation will go away on its […]