The #1 Reason to Use More Black Pepper

It’s probably one of my earliest memories… The details are a little fuzzy, but I was about 4 or 5 years old, and I must have just watched a cartoon where one of the characters exploded into a fit of sneezing after taking a big whiff of ground pepper. I was intrigued. It seemed like […]
What’s Love Got to do With Health? (you might be surprised)

The Beatles got it right when they sang, “I need somebody to love.” In an extraordinary and beneficial way, love and health are intricately entwined. Human beings are pre-wired for connection. The rewards of warm and positive relationships are enormous and even somewhat surprising. Let’s take a closer look at the remarkable impacts of love.
The #1 Supplement That People Should Be Taking But Don’t

When exploring the wide world of supplements, things can get kind of murky. There are so many to choose from that it is tough to know which ones to take and which ones are the best to take. Interestingly enough, there is one form of supplement that everyone should turn to first and foremost – […]
The Scary Truth About Joint Injections You May Not Know

Do you remember Bo Jackson? He was a multi-sport professional athlete who had superhuman abilities in his prime. It seemed like there was nothing he couldn’t do…which is what prompted Nike to launch their famously successful “Bo Knows” advertising campaign. Well, what Bo didn’t know at the time was that he was about to have […]
5 Signs You Are Magnesium Deficient and What You Can Do Now

The mineral magnesium is a “cofactor” in more than 300 enzyme systems that energize and regulate activity throughout your body. To understand the importance of this vital mineral, let me tell you what would happen to your body if your magnesium levels suddenly plummeted…
3 Balance Activities You Can Do at Home (and why you should)

Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste…the five senses. Today’s mind-expanding article by my team here at UpWellness is going to introduce you to your sixth sense. And I’m not talking about some psychic power or ESP… humans really do have a “sixth sense” that almost nobody ever talks about. It’s called “proprioception,” and it is […]
Merry Christmas!

Wishing all of our readers the best of the holiday season. The UpWellness team wishes you great things now and in the New Year to come. Stay safe, share love and always, always, be grateful! -The UpWellness Team
How to Make Your Own Healthy Plant-Based Vegan Pizza

I live just up the road from New Haven, Connecticut, which is home to a large Italian-American population who takes their pizza very seriously. The classic New Haven “apizza” comes with an ultra-thin crust that is cooked in a wood-fired oven until it’s extra crispy…almost burnt. Forgive me because I don’t want to start World […]
What is Really in Your Cold Medicine? Natural and Effective Alternatives

This article might just save us 40 billion dollars. That’s how much Americans spend on cold medicine every year! That seems like a really high price tag, especially considering that these medications just mask the symptoms rather than treating the underlying cause of the illness. And, to make matters worse, OTC medicines are not without […]
How to Avoid Getting Caught Up In the Holiday Rush

If Jingle Bells has started playing on a loop in your head at ever-creasing speeds, and you have started to dread any mention of Christmas, you may be beginning to crack under the stress of the holiday rush. As you frantically try to bake a thousand cookies, plan a Christmas party, and buy the perfect […]