Be Grateful Always, It’s Good for You and It’s Good for Others

‘Tis the season that calls us to “over-everything”…To overeat, overspend, over-socialize, and just plain ol’ overdo it all. Unfortunately, all this overdoing can cause us to become rather ungrateful and can lead to burnout pretty quickly. However, if we have a gameplan going into the holiday season that is devised to protect ourselves from becoming […]
The Primary Goal of a Naturopathic Physician: Getting on the Same Page

We asked our own Dr. Joshua Levitt ND, to help us better understand the primary goal of a naturopathic physician is and what he strives for when dealing with patients. With millions of people each year seeking the best in holistic and conventional treatments, it is always a good idea to have a candid discussion […]
Where the Standard American Diet (SAD) Falls Short (and what you can do)

For breakfast, it’s a bacon, egg, and cheese on an English muffin with a large coffee with extra cream and sugar. Lunch is a sub with ham and swiss, a bag of chips, and an energy drink. And dinner is usually a cheeseburger, fries, and a soda. Oh, and most days, every meal comes with […]
Raw Honey vs. “Regular” Honey: What’s the Difference and Does it Really Matter?

When people ask me if I have any pets, I like to tell them that I have about 60,000 of them. And it’s true…I have one dog (a Hungarian Vizsla named Raya) and about 59,999 bees who live in a hive I built in my backyard. (Only my queen bee has a name…she’s Sophia. The […]
Natural Treatments for Dry Skin that Actually Work

I did a rotation in medical school with a dermatologist with a sense of humor. We saw a patient one day who had terribly dry and cracked skin, which prompted the dermatologist to ask her: “Do you know what the leading cause of dry skin is?” Confused, the patient said she wasn’t sure…”weather maybe?” No, […]
Fat is In: Try These Healthy and Delicious Plant-Based Fats

Brace yourself…I’m gonna use the “F-word” today. You might think it’s ugly, obscene, indecent, offensive, or vulgar, but it’s something we can all relate to and, therefore, something we need to be able to talk freely about. And in case you were concerned about me cursing here on the UpWellness blog today- don’t worry, the […]
9 Signs You Might Have Fibromyalgia and What to Do

Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is incredibly hard to detect and diagnose. Its primary symptoms of overall pain, fatigue, and “feeling off” apply to many conditions, which means that you may struggle with this issue for years before being diagnosed. There are also no tests or scans that can detect fibromyalgia, which means that doctors will rely heavily […]
Help…I Am Bloated at Night, What Can I Do?

When the question came out of my mouth…I almost couldn’t believe what I was asking. I was on the phone with a gastroenterologist, talking about one of the most challenging GI cases that either of us had ever seen. After every meal, this 50-year-old woman would writhe in pain as her otherwise flat belly rapidly […]
Tired of Salad: Here are Some Creative Ways to Get More Leafy Greens

There are lots of controversies in nutrition but there is one piece of advice that is (almost) universally agreed upon. You’ve heard it before: Eat more greens. The scientific literature is convincing…greens are good for you. But, here’s where it gets tricky. Lots of people think that eating greens means eating salad…and lots of those […]
Spinal Surgeon Reveals the Truth About Back Surgery and Chronic Pain

The story usually goes something like this: “I felt a little twinge in my back yesterday while I was lifting something. I didn’t think much of it at the time…but when I woke up this morning, I couldn’t even move!” That story illustrates one of the great misunderstandings of low back pain…and it actually means […]