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Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk of COVID-19 According to Study

  Experts suggest that half of all Americans are vitamin D deficient. But without supplementing, it would take twenty minutes of sunshine daily — with over 40 percent of your skin exposed — to prevent deficiency. Depending on where you live or what your schedule entails, that may not be possible. However, new research now […]

How Probiotics Could Save You From Losing Teeth

You’ve heard of probiotics before – they’re supplements you take for a healthy gut. But did you know that there is also something called the oral microbiome, which is a community of bacteria in your mouth? Scientists are starting to discover that oral probiotics are just as important as those we use for the gut. […]

7 Signs of Stroke that are Easy to Miss

Think “F.A.S.T.”! Most of us know the major signs of a stroke, such as “Facial drooping”, “Arm weakness”, and “Speech difficulties”, any of which indicate that it’s “Time” to call emergency services. But what about the more subtle signs which can get overlooked?

Why You Have Such a Difficult Time Making Up Your Mind

We’ve all been there, weighing out pros and cons, desperate to make a decision, only to second-guess ourselves after the decision has been made. Each day is made up of a hundred little decisions — what to wear, what to make for dinner etc., etc… For some, it’s no big deal. Yet, for others, it […]

What Over-Showering is Doing to Your Immune System

Every morning you do it on autopilot: stumble into the shower, turn on the tap, and enjoy the soothing flow of water that helps wake you up and feel refreshed for the start of your day. According to YouGov, an international research data and analytics group, most of us (66% of adults in the U.S.) […]

What You Really Need to Know About Wearing a Mask

It’s been over two years since the first reported case of COVID-19 here in the U.S. And now with nearly 100M positive cases in the U.S. alone, there has been a shift from preventing COVID-19 to learning how to safely live with it. COVID-19 is here – it’s real – and it’s not going anywhere. […]

Urgent: Bird Flu Outbreak (read now)

Bird Flu Outbreak:   April 26, 2024 Dr. Joshua Levit   Last month, the USDA warned that millions of wild birds like ducks, geese, and swans had been infected with bird flu.    A week later, we learned that it had spread to flocks of backyard chickens.    Next came announcements about infections in large commercial […]