12 Unique Pets that Can Boost Your Mental Health

Pets are an everyday source of happiness and comfort for many of us. A whopping 67 percent of U.S. households, or about 85 million families, own a pet, according to the 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association.
Delicious Summer Green Tea Recipes Anyone Can Make

Whether you’re basking in the heat of the summer or sweating your way through each scorching-hot day, you’re bound to need some cool refreshment. One of the best ways to stay healthy through the heat is to make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day. Many people struggle to keep up with their hydration […]
Why You Should Get Morning Sun Daily

Anyone who has ever been for a morning walk can attest to the incredibly refreshing, invigorating feeling that comes from this simple and wholesome activity. But did you know that science is now backing up the benefits of this daily ritual?
These 15 Foods Could Protect You From Having a Stroke

Are you eating yourself into an early grave? In America, someone dies from a stroke every 4 minutes. The standard Western diet has been associated with a 58 percent increase in stroke risk. This means your everyday lifestyle choices could be, quite literally, a death sentence.
Eat These Foods to Heal Holes in Your Teeth

While many of us were brought up believing that calcium was the only nutrient needed to foster healthy teeth – and if we got a cavity, we simply needed to go to the dentist to get it “drilled and filled” – new evidence is revealing a different side to dental cavities.
New Study Shows How Traditional Herbs Can Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is often called the ‘silent killer’ because, for most people, there are no symptoms. This means many people are unaware they have high blood pressure. Eating too much salt, drinking too much alcohol, being overweight, and not moving around enough each day can also contribute to high blood pressure.
Best Ways to Remedy a Summer Heat Rash Naturally

“Summertime and the livin is easy…” Until, of course, you get a heat rash — ugh! Heat rash, also known as prickly heat, is a harmless but very itchy rash. It forms red bumps in places where sweat normally collects like the neck, back, chest, under the breasts, groin, and thighs. Summer heat rash can […]
5 Sticky Things You Should Put in Your Hair

You may love the effects of professional hair treatments. After all, shiny, healthy hair is always in style. But it can be a hassle to make time for a lengthy session at the salon – or it can end up costing you a fortune in fancy products.
Research Says There are Great Benefits in Getting Some Alone Time

Everyone needs some quiet time alone to really get to know themselves. And, if you don’t believe that, consider this. If you can’t enjoy your own company, how can you expect others to? The only way to learn to love yourself is not through the eyes of others but through your own eyes. When you […]
All-Natural Ways to Tighten a Saggy Neck

Sadly, as we age, so do our necks. When the thin and delicate skin on the neck loses elasticity, it begins to sag and become crepey. Add to the mix, certain lifestyle factors, and sagging accelerates. While you can’t drastically alter the appearance of your neck, there are certain things you can do to help […]