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Fat is In: Try These Healthy and Delicious Plant-Based Fats

Brace yourself…I’m gonna use the “F-word” today. You might think it’s ugly, obscene, indecent, offensive, or vulgar, but it’s something we can all relate to and, therefore, something we need to be able to talk freely about. And in case you were concerned about me cursing here on the UpWellness blog today-  don’t worry, the […]

Research Says: Eat This in the Morning

There is an ancient saying that suggests that people should: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a beggar.” But, just because it’s an ancient proverb doesn’t mean it’s true…or is it?  This article by the UpWellness team will help you demystify the first meal of the day.   Enjoy!  -JL

5 Best Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes You Will Love

One of my all-time favorite quotes about health and nutrition comes from Michael Pollan in his book In Defense of Food, where he says, “Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.” Seven words that say so much. The “eat food” part refers to the practice of eating real, whole, minimally processed foods. The “not too […]

3 Breakfast Smoothies That Taste Like Dessert

“Breakfast like a king. Lunch like a prince. Dinner like a pauper.” We all know that starting the day with a healthy, nutrient-dense meal is solid advice, but yet this remains the exact opposite of what so many people do. The common practice of eating cereal, pastries, and sweetened beverages in the morning wreaks havoc […]

8 Ways to Add Fiber to Your Diet

I learned a new word recently that is sure to spark some interesting conversation at your next cocktail party. The word is coprolite…and if you think it sounds high tech, you’re wrong. Coprolites are fossilized feces. In other words, paleo poop! It turns out that research on human coprolites has taught us some interesting things […]