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The Uncovered Benefits of Forest Bathing

A prescription from a doctor can (and should) be more than just a bottle of pills that you pick up at the pharmacy. And today, I’d like to tell you about one of my all-time favorite prescriptions…it’s one that I write over and over again and it’s one that I take myself nearly every day.  […]

5 Reasons to Add Flaxseed Oil to Your Diet

Botanically speaking, the plant is called Linum usitatissimum which roughly translates to “useful linen” which it is indeed. Linum is more commonly known as flax…which is one of the most useful plants in the natural world. The archeological record demonstrates the earliest use of wild flax dates back over 30,000 years to the paleolithic era […]

5 Things You Get With Chronic Stress

Your car broke down at night in a bad part of town, and you’re walking on a dark and empty street. You hear footsteps coming up behind you… Your heart rate speeds up, and blood floods your muscles to prepare you to run for your life.   You’ve probably heard the term “fight or flight” […]

7 Ways to Combat Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Springtime brings many gifts. Flowers are blooming, honey bees are hard at work, and the warmer weather welcomes us to spend time outdoors. But there are unwanted gifts as well. The air is filled with pollen this time of year, and many of my patients are stressed out and suffering from the wheezing and sneezing […]

What is Grounding and Why You Should Do It

“It’s all connected” is a phrase that can be applied appropriately in virtually any industry or any field of study, and health and medicine is no exception. Being part of something larger than yourself is good for you physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Given the importance of connection, it should come as no surprise that feeling […]

How to Use Mushroom Coffee to Look and Feel Great

“All mushrooms are edible…but some only once.”  A most important proverb to remember, especially this year when our woods exploded with wild mushrooms after the summer rains.  Mushrooms can make a meal. Mushrooms can make misery. And this may surprise you—but, mushrooms can make medicine. This article describes some of the most medicinal varieties and […]

The Super Powers of Onions and How to Eat More Of Them

A good family friend once told my mom the “secret” trick she often used to make her family think that there was some delicious magic happening in the kitchen. It’s simple she said…All you need to do is chop an onion and saute it in a pan with a little olive oil, and the smell […]

Weed And Feed

I have to hold my breath when I pass by the lawn products at my local garden center. This time of year, the shelves are brimming with products that are called “Weed and Feed” or some other poetic way to describe an all-in-one herbicide and lawn fertilizer product. I avoid the use of these products […]

The Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

My patient population reflects the worldwide trend that more and more people are living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) than ever. There are several factors that help to explain the increased rates of this autoimmune joint disease. People are living longer, obesity has reached epidemic proportions (yes, fat accumulation promotes inflammation), microbial diversity in the GI tract […]

Inflammation Prevents Weight Loss

In my office, I see a steady parade of patients who tell me that they have been eating well and exercising… but the pounds just won’t come off. It’s so frustrating for them, and many of them feel like their doctors simply don’t believe them and assume that they’re not telling the truth about their […]

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