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Key Signs You May Be Deficient in Vitamin B12

You may think that feeling tired, confused, and irritable sounds like normal life (especially these days), but these feelings could be a warning sign for something more serious. Depending on your symptoms, you may have a critical vitamin deficiency, which can cause heart problems, neurological damage, and more.

The Primary Goal of a Naturopathic Physician: Getting on the Same Page

We asked our own Dr. Joshua Levitt ND, to help us better understand the primary goal of a naturopathic physician is and what he strives for when dealing with patients. With millions of people each year seeking the best in holistic and conventional treatments, it is always a good idea to have a candid discussion […]

Ready to Try a Plant Based Diet? Here are Some Benefits

One definition of the word “medicine” is a substance or preparation that is used in the treatment of disease. And by that definition, most people think of the pills inside of those little orange bottles that you pick up at the pharmacy. And it’s true. Medications (drugs) can indeed be medicine. But they are certainly […]

Music As Medicine

Most people probably don’t think of music as medicine, but sometimes the right song can be just what the doctor ordered. I’m a great believer that our traditional definition of a prescription is grossly outdated. Not every cure comes in the form of a pill in an amber bottle that you pick up at the […]

Antibiotics: Should You Finish The Whole Bottle?

We’ve all heard a great deal about the so-called “superbugs,” which refers to bacterial strains that have become resistant to antibiotics. Tales of life-threatening staph infections, flesh-eating bacteria, and deadly outbreaks of MRSA have understandably grabbed headlines and shaken the public.

Orange Bottles with White Caps

There’s no denying that modern medicine has made many wonderful advances which have benefitted the world. Numerous lives are saved each year because of medical innovations, and when an emergency situation arises, trained professionals are there to take care of us with the newest technologies. Pharmaceuticals, surgeries, and other medical practices can reduce suffering and […]

Fly in the Kitchen

When you have an irritating fly in your kitchen, what do you do? Do you open the window and usher it out? Or do you choose another method, such as swatting it with a rolled-up magazine or a flyswatter? There are, in fact, any number of methods you can use to deal with the fly […]