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Toilet Paper is Sold Out: 7 At-Home Alternatives

Likely many of us, you may have had this experience lately. You arrive at the toilet paper aisle in the grocery store only to find it completely deserted. It’s very noticeable when large items like toilet paper packs are missing, as they leave a huge gap in the shelving real estate. If you were lucky […]

5 Things That May Cause Constipation and How to be More Regular

Do you struggle in the bathroom? Do you experience digestive upset frequently and have trouble passing regular bowel movements? If so, you may be constipated. Many people simply ignore and write off constipation, chalking it up to a heavy meal or just a disrupted routine. Most of the time, constipation will go away on its […]

Constipation: A Regular Occurrence

Part of my job in the office involves talking to my patients about subjects that don’t usually come up at a cocktail party. One of these conversations is about poop. It’s a topic that comes up all the time, and one of the most common issues that concerns my patients frequently is constipation. It’s remarkable […]

Debunked: Colon Cleanses

Warning: If you are squeamish about the subject of bowel movements, beware, because we’re going to go there. This is an article about poop… or more specifically, the colon where it resides before it leaves your body. Poop has always been a popular topic amongst young children (trust me, I have three of them), but […]

What Can We Learn from Paleo Poop?

Fossilized human feces, otherwise known as coprolites, can teach us some interesting things about our paleolithic ancestors diet. The most important thing gleaned from this  research is that our earliest relatives ate a ton of fiber-rich foods. In fact, it is estimated that they ate as much as 100 grams of fiber daily. This is […]