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How to Make Your Own Healthy Plant-Based Vegan Pizza

I live just up the road from New Haven, Connecticut, which is home to a large Italian-American population who takes their pizza very seriously. The classic New Haven “apizza” comes with an ultra-thin crust that is cooked in a wood-fired oven until it’s extra crispy…almost burnt. Forgive me because I don’t want to start World […]

Start Your Day With These Delicious and Nutritious Breakfast Bowls

As a rule, I’m not one of those people who takes pictures of my food. But as with most any “rule” there are exceptions. The picture below is of a most beautiful (and delicious) breakfast bowl that I got at a local coffee shop last week. (I sent it to my wife with a note […]

Twisted Tacos 3 Ways ( #2 might surprise you)

I have often joked that if the human body is about 70% water, the other 30% of mine is made of fish tacos. I grew up in sunny Southern California, where Mexican food is the staple cuisine…and a good fish taco remains one of my greatest pleasures. As a long time taco connoisseur, I also […]

Is ‘XYZ’ Healthy?

People are paying greater attention to their health than any time I can remember. They are more aware of how dietary choices and lifestyle factors can impact their health. One indication of this trend is a question that my patients frequently ask me, “Is (fill in the blank) healthy?”

My Breakfast This Morning

I’m at my computer this morning, after a 45 minute walk and a nice hot breakfast… which has become the subject of this very article. Why write about my breakfast? Well, because it is both delicious and healthy, easy to make, and full of ingredients that each deserve a paragraph of their own. Here’s what […]

Fermented Foods

For some people, the word “fermented” conjures up images of moldy food in the back of the fridge that you should’ve thrown away weeks ago. Although fermented food is indeed teeming with bacteria… they are the “good guys” and can do wonderful things for your health. I have recently been experimenting with fermenting foods myself… […]