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Magnesium: Nature’s Chill Pill

Magnesium (Mg) is one of the most versatile, abundant, and essential minerals in your body. It’s a critical factor in more than 600 biochemical reactions that power every cell, every organ, and every body system. Magnesium is involved in reactions that generate cellular energy, form and break down protein, manufacture and metabolize hormones, control muscle […]

Parkinson’s Disease Stinks (Literally…)

To say Parkinson’s disease (PD) stinks would be an understatement. The symptoms of this increasingly common condition include debilitating tremors, severe muscle stiffness, impaired speech, poor balance, cognitive difficulties, sleep disturbances, depression, postural problems and a host of other progressive symptoms that can rob a person of their independence.

Joints on Fire: Inflammation 101

If you’ve been keeping up with health news at all in the past few years, you’ve heard the word “inflammation” a lot. And for good reason: inflammation is at the root of a wide range of chronic diseases. Having a basic understanding of what inflammation actually is can go a long way in helping you […]

The #1 Thing Women Over 40 Must Do

Modern women over 40 don’t feel middle-aged. In fact, many believe they’re in their prime, particularly because of this one thing that’s keeping their brain and body sharp. What is it? Well, without it, quality of life and bone health deteriorates. However, by including this one thing into your routine you’ll look and feel years […]

Eating a Spoonful of Peanut Butter Before Bed Does This

The next time you’re craving a late-night snack, swap your sugary treat for a spoonful of peanut butter. Why? Well, beyond being delicious and a great source of vitamins and minerals, peanut butter is also loaded with an essential amino acid that can help you fall asleep. Furthermore, peanut butter is a dieter’s best friend. […]

The Real Dangers of Cracked Heels

When the skin on the bottom of your heels becomes excessively dry, it can crack, leaving painful gaps. Cracked skin worsens in the winter months due to low humidity and cold temperatures — and it seems to afflict more women than men. For some, the condition is uncomfortable but not serious. Yet for others, cracks […]

How Can Honey Improve Your Oral Health…Isn’t it Just Sugar?

Not all sweets are bad for your teeth. Honey, it seems, has real benefits for oral health, despite its high natural sugar content. However, it does act differently than refined sugar. Unlike refined sugar that causes plaque and tooth decay, honey has antimicrobial properties that actually stop plaque in its tracks and fight gingivitis. But, […]

4 Ways to Use Raw Local Honey for Beautiful Skin

Local bees collect pollen from local plants. Raw honey has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties that promote digestive and skin health. Raw, local honey has all the same properties. However, since local bees collect pollen from local plants, it’s believed to have the added bonus of strengthening your immunity and reducing pollen allergy symptoms. That […]

Stroke Warning Signs Everyone Should Know About

Warning signs of a stroke may be apparent as early as seven days before an attack and require urgent treatment to prevent severe brain damage. So, understanding those warning signs is not only vital for your health, but also for those you love. Here are the stroke warning signs everyone should know about. Eighty percent […]

6 Ways to Supercharge Your Immune System Before Winter

With Covid-19 still looming heavily over the U.S., Americans are looking for ways to boost their immune system before winter hits. But it’s not as simple as targeting one specific entity in your body. The immune system is the body’s natural defense system, made up of a network of molecules, tissues, cells, and organs working […]

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