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Want to Add 10 Years to Your Life? Researchers Say do This

The long slow fade. You’ve probably seen it happen to someone you love. It refers to that last phase of a person’s life when their health steadily declines, often punctuated by a major health crisis every few years. The recovery from each of these events is slow, and never quite brings the person backs to […]

7 Ways to Combat Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Springtime brings many gifts. Flowers are blooming, honey bees are hard at work, and the warmer weather welcomes us to spend time outdoors. But there are unwanted gifts as well. The air is filled with pollen this time of year, and many of my patients are stressed out and suffering from the wheezing and sneezing […]

3 Ways to Reset Your Body After a Long Winter

Although we don’t hibernate like bears, we do tend to slow down a bit during the winter months. Many people, especially those in areas that have a heavy winter, feel a little sluggish and not quite as energetic during the cold and snowy season.

Functional Movement Training: Why it’s so Good for You

She looked down when I asked…and then she muttered something about how she needs to get back to the gym. That’s usually how the conversation goes when I ask my patients about exercise. They’re often surprised when I suggest that they save their money and just cancel their membership. Gym memberships only work if you […]

How Television Might Be Killing You Way Too Early

My mom used to say it was going to rot my brain. I’m sure you’ve either heard (or even said) something similar yourself. These days we call it “screen time” because it’s no longer just a television in the middle of the family room. But no matter the size of your screen, a new study […]

Why This Is the Best All Around Exercise Ever (and loads of fun too)

The least expensive gym in my town advertises that they charge $10/month (it’s really more like $18 if you add up all the fees) and the most expensive one charges $85/month. That’s why, every day when I lace up my hiking boots, I feel like I’m saving a bundle. And yes, I lace up those […]

10 Ways to End Bunion Pain Without Surgery

For an otherwise very well put together 80-year-old woman, the huge hole in her right shoe was a shocker…that is, until I saw her foot. Her big toe was pointing sideways and there, at the base of her big toe was an enormous bunion. It was so large that there was no way that it […]

Natural Fixes for Painful Feet

It’s hard to be happy when your feet hurt. In my practice, I have seen countless patients who have long term chronic illnesses that all started with a painful foot condition. It seems crazy that a problem like diabetes or heart disease could begin in the feet…but it happens all the time. Here’s why: Painful […]

10 Proven Stress Solutions to Help You Calm Down and Relax

One of my patients just got back from an African safari which was a “bucket list” trip of a lifetime. While she was there, she had the amazing (and somewhat horrifying) experience of watching a lion chase and take down a zebra. She even showed me the gory photos. Can you imagine what was going […]

Easy Upper Body Stretches You Can Do Anywhere to Increase Flexibility

The great thing about stretching is that you don’t need a fancy gym membership, special clothing or a designated space to workout. Stretching is easy to incorporate into any daily routine, whether you sit behind a desk, drive all day, or stand. Anyone can stretch, and everyone should stretch.

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