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Joints on Fire: Inflammation 101

If you’ve been keeping up with health news at all in the past few years, you’ve heard the word “inflammation” a lot. And for good reason: inflammation is at the root of a wide range of chronic diseases. Having a basic understanding of what inflammation actually is can go a long way in helping you […]

The 1 Day Inflammation Reset | Dr. Josh LIVE

In this one hour session, Dr. Joshua Levitt reveals the secret to extinguishing inflammation – the #1 cause of pain and suffering – 100% naturally. For more information about how to fight inflammation visit: https://shop.upwellness.com/pages/golden-revive-plus​ Note: This presentation is for educational purposes only. While Dr. Levitt is a naturopathic physician, this presentation is not medical […]

Spice(s) Of Life

We associate the word “spice” with flavor, stimulation, and a zest for living. People talk about spicing up their relationships, their writing, and of course, their meals. It is natural to think of spices as enhancements that enrich our lives.

The Lowdown on Medicinal Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years in cultures around the world. Now, modern scientists are discovering the fascinating healing properties of mushrooms, with more than 100 species of mushrooms currently being studied for their potential health benefits.

What Your Hair Loss Says About Your Health

Many of us dread the day when we look in the mirror and see too much scalp peeking through the strands of hair. While hair loss is often thought of as a man’s problem, at least a third of women will experience thinning hair at some point in their lives. In fact, one study estimated […]

Why You Should Include Turmeric in Your Diet: Now More Than Ever

About half of all patients who are admitted to intensive care with coronavirus die. That’s sobering news. But now there may be a way to improve those odds. The key, experts say, may lay in stopping lung inflammation from occurring. So, while scientists’ race to find a cure for COVID-19, there just might be something […]

5 Herbs and Spices that Reduce Chronic Inflammation

It’s not an accident that the acronym for the Standard American Diet spells S.A.D. There are many “sad” elements of modern western diets: too much sugar, not enough vegetables, too much-processed food, not enough whole foods, too many bad fats, not enough good fats… you’ve heard it all before. But there is one particular “sad” […]

The Inflammation and Obesity Connection

Fire is our friend…right? Humans learning how to harness the power of fire was one of our greatest achievements and one that is responsible for life as we know it today. Besides the basic necessities like cooking and heating…who doesn’t enjoy a cozy campfire or a candlelit dinner?  But, when that campfire escapes the fire […]

Help! I Have Acne and I am Not a Teenager

When I saw Tania in my waiting room, I knew immediately why she was there. I could see it on her face…literally. She was 48 years old and had acne like a teenager. She wasn’t pleased. This was entirely new for her and had started in the last year as her menstrual cycle was becoming […]

Don’t Be Fooled By Inflammation: Here’s What You Need to Know

If you tried to name one word that has spent the most time on headlines and alternative news articles in the last few years, inflammation would probably be at the top of the list. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding inflammation, and it is often portrayed as a villain in the media. While […]

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